boats_ID | Model | Hull | Boat name | Owner | Harbour | Country | boats_post_name | boats_post_author_url | boats_meta_boat_home_harbour_slug | boats_taxonomy_term_ids |
38.572 | 470 - HR 55 | 5 | MAIA III | Carlo Perini | Marina Dorica Ancona | IT | hr-55-005-maia-iii | 1319-carlo-perini | | hr-55 |
39.875 | 470 - HR 55 | 9 | Regine VI | Ulf Pedersen | KNS Oslo | NO | hr-55-009-regine-vi | 934-ulf-pedersen | | hr-55 |
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In the meantime you are welcome to add more boat information, which is now available from the boat overview below your cockpit.