boats_ID | Model | Hull | Boat name | Owner | Harbour | Country | boats_post_name | boats_post_author_url | boats_meta_boat_home_harbour_slug | boats_taxonomy_term_ids |
39.145 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 124 | Olga II | Kid Kyrklund | Ekenäs | FI | hr-94-kutter-124-olga-ii | 654-kid-kyrklund | | hr-94-kutter |
39.912 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 16 | Nellie-Abira | Ylva Thuresson | Lerkil | SE | hr-94-kutter-016-nellie-abira | 1297-ylva-thuresson | | hr-94-kutter |
39.686 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 90 | Makalopa | Stefan Bergström | Skåre | SE | hr-94-kutter-090-makalopa | 1305-stefan-bergstrm | | hr-94-kutter |
39.649 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 48 | Skarv | Robert Thomassen | Thorshavn | FO | hr-94-kutter-048-skarv | 1193-robert-thomassen | | hr-94-kutter |
39.647 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 134 | Skarv | Robert Thomassen | Torshavn | FO | hr-94-kutter-134-skarv | 1039-robert-thomassen | | hr-94-kutter |
39.598 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 107 | Argonauta | Raul Dores | Lavra | BR | hr-94-kutter-107-argonauta | 992-raul-dores | | hr-94-kutter |
39.587 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 117 | Otter | Robert Allen | Oare | DK | hr-94-kutter-117-otter | 1278-robert-allen | | hr-94-kutter |
39.547 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 1 | Kuttrasju | Peter Scheel | Wismar | DE | hr-94-kutter-001-kuttrasju | 997-peter-scheel | | hr-94-kutter |
39.322 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 156 | Suutje | Martin Melles | Lübeck | DE | hr-94-kutter-156-suutje | 748-martin-melles | | hr-94-kutter |
39.300 | 270 - HR 94 Kutter | 185 | Ostara | Michael Howlett | River Orwell | GB | hr-94-kutter-185-ostara | 747-michael-howlett | | hr-94-kutter |
Other HR models of the same category
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